Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Campus Services

Site Master Planning

Designing for connections between projects, guiding site design with campus planning goals and site context and developing a unified landscape character.

General Site Design

Coordinating circulation, stormwater and landscape infrastructure design with campus patterns, culture and history.

Bike Infrastructure Planning

Circulation, parking layout and design

Stormwater Planning and Design

Coordinating the campus's stormwater management approach with various campus partners including Environmental Health and Safety, the Arboretum and Public Garden.

Urban Forestry

Preservation, succession and development

Irrigation Design and Management

Designing for maintainability, long-term sustainability and stewardship of the system through the development of a comprehensive campus irrigation GIS database

Planting Design

Design for maintainability/long term sustainability, microclimate adaptability, soil compatibility and drought tolerance

Maintaining Campus Standards

Maintaining and enforcing all site, irrigation and landscape standards

Construction Coordination and Administration

Tree protection, soil quality evaluation, tree selection, site and landscape installation review

Partnership Project Support

Coordinating support of landscape projects with academic departments and other campus stakeholders including the Department of Landscape Architecture and Environmental Design, Environmental Horticulture, and the College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

Product Evaluation and Testing

Applying research to design, testing new design strategies and products such as soil structure systems, soil moisture sensors and more.