Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

Customer Engagement


Customer Advisory Board

The Customer Advisory Board (CAB) is comprised of 37 UC Davis staff members who represent 25 different departments across campus. The primary objective of the CAB is to offer valuable perspectives and feedback from a customer standpoint, aiming to enhance the overall customer experience.

Customer Newsletter

Sign up to receive updates from Facilities Management. From projects to staff spotlights, hear about all we do to support, maintain, and improve the campus environment.

Sign up for the Customer Newsletter

Customer Tours

Facilities Management arranges customer tours every three months, providing an exclusive glimpse into our operational processes. During these tours, UC Davis staff and faculty can explore a range of service shops, including welding, plumbing, and carpentry, as well as our fleet services, central heating and cooling plant, and wastewater treatment plant, among other areas. Tour dates are announced via the Facilities Management Newsletter. Become a subscriber today and be the first to know when we host our next tour.

View Upcoming Customer Tours

Campus Safety Lighting Walk

Campus safety lighting walks help to ensure all lighting systems are functioning properly. The Campus Safety Lighting Walk is a joint effort between Facilities Management and UC Davis Police. On these walks, we will identify low, out, or obscured external lighting. All students, faculty and staff are invited to attend.

View Upcoming Walks