Pack It In, Pack It Out: Beginning April 1, our custodial team is ending its service to offices and cubicles, including trash and recycling collection. Learn more.

CEC Utilizes FacilitiesLink and You Should Too!



The Facilities Management (FM) Customer Experience Center (CEC) stays busy year-round! They received 1,817 phone calls, processed 2,166 tasks, and managed 69 shutdowns in the last month alone. They are a critical part of our customer service, and you can probably guess that not all calls are straightforward!   

From unknown room numbers to class schedules to contact information, the CEC has a resource that can solve even the toughest mysteries to get technicians to the right locations at the right times. That resource is FacilitiesLink. UC Davis uses FacilitiesLink to maintain information about the assignment, use, function, and occupancy of all rooms in buildings on and off-campus. This data is essential to many departments for daily operations and planning, analysis, and reporting. 

FacilitiesLink came to the rescue during a call between a customer and CEC Lead Specialist, Mallory Gatchalian. "I received a call regarding a leak in the ceiling of a lab on the 3rd floor. An ice machine was actively leaking on the 4th floor above. This leak caused a floor drain to back up and leak into the lab below. I was unable to find the 4th-floor occupant's contact information in Tririga's history. However, when I searched the room in Facilitieslink, I was able to determine the name of the primary space coordinator who was able to follow up on the issue." 

CEC Specialist Megan Wilson had a similar call, but she needed FacilitiesLink to solve a different issue this time. "During the recent storm, a leak was discovered in the ceiling of a classroom. We needed to address the issue as quickly as possible without disrupting instruction. In Facilitieslink, we were able to quickly and easily look up the class schedule for that room and dispatch a tradesman in between classes." 

Our most recent addition to the CEC, Brenda Harden, has found this tool particularly helpful as she gets to know the campus. "I use FacilitiesLink daily. Having the ability to type in part of a building name or a previous name it was known by and having the buildings come up is so helpful. Once I am in the building, I can have access to the zone number, room number, classroom times allowing me to dispatch our team properly." 

As you can see, FacilitiesLink is an essential tool for our Customer Experience Center and beyond. Mallory, Megan, and Brenda want to make sure all of our staff are aware of this incredible tool! 

UC Davis employees must register for an account at Your Kerberos Login ID and Kerberos Passphrase will automatically fill in. Once approved, your account will activate within 24-48 hours. Then, when your account is registered, you too can become a problem-solving guru at Facilities Management! Thank you, CEC, for your fantastic service to our campus customers and FM staff. 

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