Student Spotlight: Julianne Ng
We’d like to introduce one of our outstanding student interns at Facilities Management (FM): Julianne Ng! Julianne has been with FM since April 2024 as a Green Buildings Intern. She is a third year Environmental Policy and Planning Major and is minoring in Technology Management. Before her current role, she worked as a Communications Assistant with the UC Davis Environmental Health Center.
Julianne’s primary duties as a Green Buildings Intern is supporting efforts to certify campus buildings with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design, or LEED, certifications. LEED is a global framework that recognizes buildings that prioritize sustainable design. There are many different ways for a building to earn these certifications, from energy efficiency to indoor lighting, but Julianne’s main focus is analyzing the materials and resources that go into the building itself. In her role, she gathers data on campus buildings and analyzes it to see how the building can earn credit so that it can be certified. She also works closely with building project managers to see which materials go into the building and which were taken out, and then makes recommendations for the most sustainable materials to use.
Her favorite part of her internship is the opportunity to work with so many different teams and departments. It takes a lot of work from different sectors to get a building certified, but she finds it so exciting to see how people from across an organization as large as Facilities Management work together to get the job done. She also feels that her internship is quite applicable to her major because she has to interpret campus environmental policy and work with energy efficiency requirements and sustainable materials. After she graduates, she hopes to keep helping organizations make their operations and products more sustainable, whether through environmental consulting or Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) strategies.
Julianne just returned from studying abroad in Sydney this past quarter! She spent a lot of time at the beach and even learned to surf! She recently picked up running as a new hobby and is preparing for a 10k race!