Team Spotlight: Solid Waste
This quarter, we want to highlight a team that plays a crucial yet often overlooked role in maintaining the cleanliness and sustainability of our campus, the Solid Waste Team! This team ensures that all waste, from garbage to recyclables, is efficiently collected and properly managed. While their work may not always be visible, the impact they have on campus life is undeniable.
The team, led by Supervisor Jasmine Aranda since June of last year, consists of five experienced drivers: Brian Rosano, Jorge Gonzales, Manuel Vasquez, Michael Morales, and Frank Gonzales. Collectively, they bring an average of 15 years of experience to their roles. Jasmine has helped maintain the team's smooth operations following their shift from utilities to working under the custodial division last year. Despite the administrative changes, the day-to-day functions have remained consistent.
The Solid Waste Team operates three different trucks daily: a Front Load Truck, Split Body Tow Trucks, and Roll-Off Truck. Front Load Garbage Trucks service the garbage and cardboard bins located behind most campus buildings. Split Body Tow Trucks handle the collection of toters, managing everything from green waste and paper to mixed recyclables, cans, and bottles. Finally, Roll-Off Trucks service the largest metal dumpsters on campus, which contain significant amounts of green waste, metal, or wood.
Each truck follows its own specific routes that change from day to day, ensuring that all waste and recycling needs are met consistently across campus. The team starts their day bright and early at 4:30 a.m. and completes their routes by around 12:30 p.m. This early schedule means that many people on campus might not see them in action, but their work is evident in the clean and orderly environment they leave behind.
While the team describes their work as straightforward, their role is anything but insignificant. They handle the daily collection of garbage, paper, mixed recyclables, and more, ensuring that the campus remains a clean and pleasant place for everyone. They also provide special services for large scale campus events, coordinating with event organizers to set up extra bins and manage the extra waste during these big occasions. Thanks to them, we can enjoy a clean campus even during huge, crowded events like Picnic Day.
Though the Solid Waste Team may not have evolving projects or flashy responsibilities, their consistent hard work and dedication are the backbone of UC Davis’s commitment to sustainability and cleanliness. Their efforts ensure that waste is managed efficiently, contributing to the overall health and aesthetics of the campus environment.
Thank you to Jasmine and the entire Solid Waste Team for your unwavering commitment and hard work. Your early mornings and diligent efforts keep UC Davis running smoothly.